Friday, October 3, 2008

1968 Era Baltimore and Northern Maine

Can ya' make a copy of this, print it out, put it up on your office bulletin board or maybe hit that envelope with an arrow on it looking button at the bottom of this post to email it around for me? Thanks.

1968 Era Baltimore and
Northern Maine adventures of
a Rock n’ Roll, Blues loving, Mod kid.

If ya wanna see just how hip and happening Baltimore was back in the 1960s, then David Robert Crews has some interesting and entertaining stories for you about
Baltimore Mods, Beatniks, Ted’s Music Shop,
Sherman’s Book Store, General Music Record Store,
Baltimore’s first head shop The Psychedelic Propeller,
and a teen nightclub called The Bluesette
where Mod kids from in and around little ol’ B-town
enjoyed great, Rock n’ Rolling times together.

On June 5, 1968, David graduated from high school
in the suburbs of Baltimore;
in November of ’68, he moved to Northern Maine,
where he became a bear hunting guide
and wild and woolly country girl’s delight.

David fit right in with the native Mainers way up north,
even though they were about a solid year behind Baltimore in all things hip and happening.

And Baltimore’s teens and young adult Hipsters were
actually about a year and a half behind the
young people of the West Coast and New York City areas.

In Maine, Dave rode snowmobiles like crazy, had stupendous times with the teens in and around Patten, Maine, learned to drive Maine’s rough and tumble backroads and woodsroads ‘like a ringin a bell’, and he tracked wounded bears at night – sometimes all by his lonesome and never with a firearm.

Really cool old photos and well written stories about it all are available for your viewing and reading pleasure and excitement at: