Friday, July 20, 2018

Ft. Howard Veterans Affairs Medical Center Property Development Project is DEAD

The Department of Veterans Affairs' proposed development project of a "veterans focused" community on the VA's Ft Howard property in Baltimore, Md. is dead. Final proof is in the court records published below. The current lease holder of the Ft. Howard VAMC Property - Tim Munshell/Ft Howard Development LLC - is being sued for everything he has. But he doesn't have anything of value to satisfy any lawsuits.  

The VA is about to loose control of the Ft. Howard property to the General Services Administration. This is not fair, because the VA signed two subsequent leases for Ft. Howard to two individual scammers. Those two low lifes have been using their Ft. Howard connections for prying loose investment monies from scam victims. And multiple government agencies and private companies have lost millions of dollars to the two scammers. We veterans loose big-time. 

Over and over again, I published results of my investigative research of the two lease holder scam artists. I provide clear info with links to proof online. I inform many people of my published works: elected officials; VA officials; all types of media all over America & the world and several foreign embassies in D.C. of countries where the first scammer - John Infantino - is or has run scams. Infantino has repeatedly scammed military and veterans communities across the country. No one but some people of the veterans rights community and some residents of the Ft. Howard area give any respect to my work. 

People all over the world refuse to accept the Ft. Howard facts I publish. Mostly people all across America. This crushes down so powerfully on me that I barely function as a human being anymore. I have an extensive stock of photography to publish, plus numerous ideas and prewriting for more of the wide variety of written works I publish. 

I need everyone to face the facts of the Fort Howard Veterans Affairs Medical Center Property Development Fiasco. And admit that I am (painfully) correct in all I say about it. 

It's dead. A project promised to have been begun years ago, but never truly has had any life at all. A devastating situation for Fort Howard. Face it. Final proof is in the court records below:

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