The video is appropriately a year-and-a-half old, from early 2018. I did not shoot it, but it is one of the most recent videos and is one of many videos shot of the old VA hospital property, then published online. I chose this one to use because it has drone aerial footage plus ground level footage shot inside the buildings, which gives us a clear view of the horrible mess the Fort Howard VAMC property has been deteriorating into for more than a decade. The video's narrator says that there is a vigilant security guard on duty, which must mean that the video shooting guys snuck in some way, because they sure should not have been given permission to enter that deteriorating, heavily vandalized property with its hazardous hospital building. You'll see many of the dangerous hazards in the video, but we can't see the various airborne dangers, like mold spores, that are probably contaminating the airs throughout all the buildings.
Baltimore's Abandoned Military Complex
At 00.18, you see arson damage to the top part of one of the hundred-and-some-year old, old-time-craftsmen built, luxury homes originally occupied by army officers and their families. Later, the VA housed doctors and their families in those houses.
At 00.53, in the upper right corner, you see what is left of an arsoned house - the rear, white wall & chimney. There had been a similar house on each side of that destroyed one's only wall left standing, but those two beautiful and very valuable waterfront homes were arson burned to the ground.
At 3:51, you see fire damage in the main hospital building, which is from the first arson fire at the Ft. Howard VA property.
At 5:06, you look straight down the stairwell where - too many - hospitalized nets jumped to commit suicide. The heavy screening you see was installed to completely block anyone from getting over the railing to jump. I don't know when that screening was installed, but it must have been shortly after the hospital opened in 1943 - when mostly seriously wounded World War Two vets filled the hospital. John David Infantino may either be a sociopath or psychopath, because he does not care about the mass of suffering experienced by patients, and their loved ones, during the years of Ft. Howard being a veterans hospital. All us veterans' service to the United States has paid to have that VA property be used to our advantage.
At 5:58, you see the area where the lease holder's workers sat dumpsters, when they were cleaning out some of the junk from the hospital building.
Back in 2004, had the VA not chosen scam artist John D. Infantino as the Ft. Howard developer but had chosen an actual developer who possesses a proven record of successes in real estate redevelopment, similar to what the current lease holder & developer Sam Himmelrich has, I may very likely have been living in an apartment there for about a decade. That plus the facts: my paternal grandparents met there during World War One; I've had friends and relatives in the area all my life; I was a patient in that VA hospital three times; plus I have participated in community volunteer works alongside many other people in the county park next to the VA property, all make development of a veterans community on Ft. Howard, or it's failure, something that creates powerful effects upon my life. I love the place & people and cherish their, my and our histories of Fort Howard, Maryland.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
The VA's Enhanced-Use Lease Program Is Working but Not At Ft. Howard
The video and list below shows us that some of the Department of Veterans Affairs Enhanced-Use Lease deals have been successful - all over America. Through this (EUL) program, VA out-leases underutilized real estate under its jurisdiction or control to the private sector for up to 75 years for the purpose of developing supportive housing for homeless and at risk Veterans and their families. But the VA's EUL for the Fort Howard, Maryland VAMC property has yet to create any homes for veterans, or anyone else.
The Ft. Howard EUL got off to a bad beginning, in 2004, when the VA signed a memorandum of understanding with (fake) property developer John D. Infantino. In 2006, Infantino signed a VA lease to the Ft Howard property. In 2009, the VA cancelled that lease, due to John Infantino not doing anything to make the development project happen. For John David Infantino, it is all about making it appear that he has the intent, ways and means to complete a project, so he can scam investors into giving him investment money for doing the project. He lives well on what he bilks from those investors. Infantino has never done any actual property development.
Infantino's scam against the VA's Enhanced-Use Lease of the Fort Howard VAMC property is still instrumental in the delay of the veterans community development proposed for that Ft. Howard property. That fraud crippled the momentum of the project, because too much of the public and the governments no longer believe a veterans community is possible on Ft. Howard. That property rots from the natural elements and suffers further destruction by a mass of vandalism. Although other VA properties around the country have been completed by true developers, and the VA had declared Ft. Howard to be the first to be done plus an example of how the others were to be done.
A second lease to the Ft Howard VA was signed with the VA by Tim Munshell and Carl Williams, in 2012, but neither had ever done such a development project. Williams had lied to Munshell and everyone about having $50,000,000 to bring to the project. And due to that lie & more, Williams was removed from, or left, the Ft. Howard EUL deal, and it became all up to Tim Munshell to acquire all funding. Carl Williams not living up to his promises made it tougher for Munshell, but Tim Munshell's abilities to earn honest money have always been as a middle-man between the VA, investors, a fully capable developer, and to work with the head contractor. Tim is well reputed to be very good at helping contractors secure investment funding and being of solid value in certain capacities on a construction project, but not as the head of one. Tim eventually managed to turn the lease over to Sam Himmelrich. Then Himmelrich employed Munshell on the FT. Howard project, because Tim had studied the property well and knows how to help where his skills and experience are useful. Sam Himmelrich has a proven record of completing successful property developments.
All of us veterans' service to the United States has paid to have that VA property be used to our advantage.
Here is the latest list of EUL's from :
Location State EUL Type
Housing Type Lease Awarded Status
1 Albany NY Parking 8/5/2009 Active
2 Atlanta GA Office 12/18/1997 Active
3 Barbers Point HI Permanent and Transitional 3/17/2003 Active
4 Batavia NY Transitional 5/24/2002 Active
5 Batavia NY Senior 12/22/2008 Active
6 Battle Creek MI Transitional 12/22/2008 Active
7 Bedford MA Permanent 9/10/2004 Active
8 Bedford MA Permanent and Transitional 12/27/2011 Active
9 Brockton MA Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
10 Butler PA Mental Health Facility 12/18/2003 Active
11 Butler PA Transitional 4/17/2007 Active
12 Canandaigua NY Permanent and Transitional 12/27/2011 Active
13 Charleston/MUSC SC Driveway 5/18/2004 Active
14 Chicago (Westside) IL Office 4/22/2002 Active
15 Chicago (Westside) IL Energy 8/12/2002 Active
16 Chillicothe OH Mixed Use 12/22/2008 Active
17 Chillicothe OH Permanent 12/30/2011 Active
18 Cleveland OH Mixed Use 10/1/2009 Active
19 Columbia SC Mixed Use 11/19/2007 Active
20 Dallas TX Child Development Center 12/20/1999 Active
21 Danville IL Senior 4/27/1999 Active
22 Danville IL Permanent 12/30/2011 Active
23 Dayton OH Permanent 12/30/2004 Active
24 Dayton OH Child Development Center 12/30/2004 Active
25 Dayton OH Transitional 4/19/2007 Active
26 Dayton OH Transitional 11/5/2008 Active
27 Dayton OH Senior 12/30/2011 Active
28 Durham NC Mixed Use 1/3/2002 Active
29 Grand Island NE Permanent 12/30/2011 Active
30 Hines IL Transitional 8/22/2003 Active
31 Hines IL Senior 7/30/2004 Active
32 Hines IL Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
33 Houston TX Mixed Use 8/23/1993 Active
34 Indianapolis IN Mixed Use 9/23/1996 Active
35 Kerrville TX Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
36 Leavenworth KS Permanent 8/5/2005 Active
37 Lincoln NE Permanent 12/30/2011 Active
38 Lyons NJ Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
39 Memphis I TN Parking 12/30/2011 Active
40 Menlo Park CA Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
41 Milwaukee WI Office 7/17/2003 Active
42 Minneapolis MN Credit Union 8/17/2004 Active
43 Minneapolis MN Permanent 9/1/2005 Active
44 Minneapolis MN Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
45 Minneapolis II MN Permanent 6/2/2016 Active
46 Mound City IL Office 11/6/2003 Active
47 Mountain Home TN Medical School 12/17/1998 Active
48 Mountain Home TN Energy 12/2/1999 Active
49 Newington CT Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
50 North Chicago IL Energy 5/21/2002 Active
51 Northampton MA Permanent and Transitional 12/27/2011 Active
52 Pershing Hall, Paris* FR Hotel 10/16/1998 Active
53 Portland OR Crisis Triage Center 2/13/2004 Active
54 Roseburg OR Transitional 8/1/2000 Active
55 Roseburg OR Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
56 Salt Lake City UT Office 5/9/2001 Active
57 Salt Lake City UT Transitional 8/30/2011 Active
58 Salt Lake City II UT Mixed Use 9/20/2006 Active
59 Sepulveda CA Permanent 12/21/2007 Active
60 Sepulveda CA Permanent 12/21/2007 Active
61 Sioux Falls SD Parking 4/1/1999 Active
62 Somerville NJ Mixed Use 9/5/2003 Active
63 St. Cloud MN Golf Course 7/28/1997 Active
64 St. Cloud MN Permanent 5/24/2005 Active
65 St. Cloud MN Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
66 Tuscaloosa AL Hospice 9/19/2002 Active
67 Tuscaloosa AL Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
68 Vancouver WA Permanent 7/14/1998 Active
69 Vancouver WA Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
70 Viera FL Assisted Living 12/13/2011 Active
71 Walla Walla WA Permanent 12/30/2011 Active
72 Washington DC Child Development Center 4/20/1993 Active
73 West LA CA Permanent 5/18/2017 Active
74 West Palm Beach FL Office 11/14/1994 Active
75 Augusta I GA Permanent 12/27/2011 Construction
76 Augusta II GA Permanent 12/30/2011 Construction
77 Fort Harrison MT Permanent 12/27/2011 Construction
78 Fort Howard MD Permanent 12/27/2011 Construction
79 Perry Point MD Permanent 12/30/2011 Construction
80 Togus ME Permanent 12/27/2011 Construction
81 Newington CT Assisted Living 12/27/2011 Development
82 Northport NY Permanent and Transitional 12/27/2011 Development
83 Alexandria LA Terminated 12/27/2011 Terminated
84 Batavia NY Terminated 5/24/2002 Terminated
85 Bath NY Terminated 12/27/2011 Terminated
86 Bay Pines FL Terminated 5/22/1997 Terminated
87 Big Spring TX Terminated 3/8/1996 Terminated
88 Cheyenne WY Terminated 12/30/2011 Terminated
89 Chicago (Lakeside) IL Terminated 1/18/2005 Terminated
90 Dayton II OH Terminated 12/30/2011 Terminated
91 Fort Howard MD Terminated 9/28/2006 Terminated
92 Knoxville IA Terminated 12/27/2011 Terminated
93 Memphis II TN Terminated 12/30/2011 Terminated
94 North Chicago IL Terminated 4/10/2002 Terminated
95 North Little Rock AR Golf Course 10/1/1998 Terminated
96 Sacramento CA Terminated 12/27/2011 Terminated
97 Salem VA Terminated 12/30/2011 Terminated
98 Topeka KS Terminated 12/30/2011 Terminated
99 West Haven CT Terminated 12/1/1994 Terminated
The Ft. Howard EUL got off to a bad beginning, in 2004, when the VA signed a memorandum of understanding with (fake) property developer John D. Infantino. In 2006, Infantino signed a VA lease to the Ft Howard property. In 2009, the VA cancelled that lease, due to John Infantino not doing anything to make the development project happen. For John David Infantino, it is all about making it appear that he has the intent, ways and means to complete a project, so he can scam investors into giving him investment money for doing the project. He lives well on what he bilks from those investors. Infantino has never done any actual property development.
Infantino's scam against the VA's Enhanced-Use Lease of the Fort Howard VAMC property is still instrumental in the delay of the veterans community development proposed for that Ft. Howard property. That fraud crippled the momentum of the project, because too much of the public and the governments no longer believe a veterans community is possible on Ft. Howard. That property rots from the natural elements and suffers further destruction by a mass of vandalism. Although other VA properties around the country have been completed by true developers, and the VA had declared Ft. Howard to be the first to be done plus an example of how the others were to be done.
A second lease to the Ft Howard VA was signed with the VA by Tim Munshell and Carl Williams, in 2012, but neither had ever done such a development project. Williams had lied to Munshell and everyone about having $50,000,000 to bring to the project. And due to that lie & more, Williams was removed from, or left, the Ft. Howard EUL deal, and it became all up to Tim Munshell to acquire all funding. Carl Williams not living up to his promises made it tougher for Munshell, but Tim Munshell's abilities to earn honest money have always been as a middle-man between the VA, investors, a fully capable developer, and to work with the head contractor. Tim is well reputed to be very good at helping contractors secure investment funding and being of solid value in certain capacities on a construction project, but not as the head of one. Tim eventually managed to turn the lease over to Sam Himmelrich. Then Himmelrich employed Munshell on the FT. Howard project, because Tim had studied the property well and knows how to help where his skills and experience are useful. Sam Himmelrich has a proven record of completing successful property developments.
All of us veterans' service to the United States has paid to have that VA property be used to our advantage.
Here is the latest list of EUL's from :
Location State EUL Type
Housing Type Lease Awarded Status
1 Albany NY Parking 8/5/2009 Active
2 Atlanta GA Office 12/18/1997 Active
3 Barbers Point HI Permanent and Transitional 3/17/2003 Active
4 Batavia NY Transitional 5/24/2002 Active
5 Batavia NY Senior 12/22/2008 Active
6 Battle Creek MI Transitional 12/22/2008 Active
7 Bedford MA Permanent 9/10/2004 Active
8 Bedford MA Permanent and Transitional 12/27/2011 Active
9 Brockton MA Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
10 Butler PA Mental Health Facility 12/18/2003 Active
11 Butler PA Transitional 4/17/2007 Active
12 Canandaigua NY Permanent and Transitional 12/27/2011 Active
13 Charleston/MUSC SC Driveway 5/18/2004 Active
14 Chicago (Westside) IL Office 4/22/2002 Active
15 Chicago (Westside) IL Energy 8/12/2002 Active
16 Chillicothe OH Mixed Use 12/22/2008 Active
17 Chillicothe OH Permanent 12/30/2011 Active
18 Cleveland OH Mixed Use 10/1/2009 Active
19 Columbia SC Mixed Use 11/19/2007 Active
20 Dallas TX Child Development Center 12/20/1999 Active
21 Danville IL Senior 4/27/1999 Active
22 Danville IL Permanent 12/30/2011 Active
23 Dayton OH Permanent 12/30/2004 Active
24 Dayton OH Child Development Center 12/30/2004 Active
25 Dayton OH Transitional 4/19/2007 Active
26 Dayton OH Transitional 11/5/2008 Active
27 Dayton OH Senior 12/30/2011 Active
28 Durham NC Mixed Use 1/3/2002 Active
29 Grand Island NE Permanent 12/30/2011 Active
30 Hines IL Transitional 8/22/2003 Active
31 Hines IL Senior 7/30/2004 Active
32 Hines IL Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
33 Houston TX Mixed Use 8/23/1993 Active
34 Indianapolis IN Mixed Use 9/23/1996 Active
35 Kerrville TX Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
36 Leavenworth KS Permanent 8/5/2005 Active
37 Lincoln NE Permanent 12/30/2011 Active
38 Lyons NJ Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
39 Memphis I TN Parking 12/30/2011 Active
40 Menlo Park CA Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
41 Milwaukee WI Office 7/17/2003 Active
42 Minneapolis MN Credit Union 8/17/2004 Active
43 Minneapolis MN Permanent 9/1/2005 Active
44 Minneapolis MN Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
45 Minneapolis II MN Permanent 6/2/2016 Active
46 Mound City IL Office 11/6/2003 Active
47 Mountain Home TN Medical School 12/17/1998 Active
48 Mountain Home TN Energy 12/2/1999 Active
49 Newington CT Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
50 North Chicago IL Energy 5/21/2002 Active
51 Northampton MA Permanent and Transitional 12/27/2011 Active
52 Pershing Hall, Paris* FR Hotel 10/16/1998 Active
53 Portland OR Crisis Triage Center 2/13/2004 Active
54 Roseburg OR Transitional 8/1/2000 Active
55 Roseburg OR Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
56 Salt Lake City UT Office 5/9/2001 Active
57 Salt Lake City UT Transitional 8/30/2011 Active
58 Salt Lake City II UT Mixed Use 9/20/2006 Active
59 Sepulveda CA Permanent 12/21/2007 Active
60 Sepulveda CA Permanent 12/21/2007 Active
61 Sioux Falls SD Parking 4/1/1999 Active
62 Somerville NJ Mixed Use 9/5/2003 Active
63 St. Cloud MN Golf Course 7/28/1997 Active
64 St. Cloud MN Permanent 5/24/2005 Active
65 St. Cloud MN Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
66 Tuscaloosa AL Hospice 9/19/2002 Active
67 Tuscaloosa AL Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
68 Vancouver WA Permanent 7/14/1998 Active
69 Vancouver WA Permanent 12/27/2011 Active
70 Viera FL Assisted Living 12/13/2011 Active
71 Walla Walla WA Permanent 12/30/2011 Active
72 Washington DC Child Development Center 4/20/1993 Active
73 West LA CA Permanent 5/18/2017 Active
74 West Palm Beach FL Office 11/14/1994 Active
75 Augusta I GA Permanent 12/27/2011 Construction
76 Augusta II GA Permanent 12/30/2011 Construction
77 Fort Harrison MT Permanent 12/27/2011 Construction
78 Fort Howard MD Permanent 12/27/2011 Construction
79 Perry Point MD Permanent 12/30/2011 Construction
80 Togus ME Permanent 12/27/2011 Construction
81 Newington CT Assisted Living 12/27/2011 Development
82 Northport NY Permanent and Transitional 12/27/2011 Development
83 Alexandria LA Terminated 12/27/2011 Terminated
84 Batavia NY Terminated 5/24/2002 Terminated
85 Bath NY Terminated 12/27/2011 Terminated
86 Bay Pines FL Terminated 5/22/1997 Terminated
87 Big Spring TX Terminated 3/8/1996 Terminated
88 Cheyenne WY Terminated 12/30/2011 Terminated
89 Chicago (Lakeside) IL Terminated 1/18/2005 Terminated
90 Dayton II OH Terminated 12/30/2011 Terminated
91 Fort Howard MD Terminated 9/28/2006 Terminated
92 Knoxville IA Terminated 12/27/2011 Terminated
93 Memphis II TN Terminated 12/30/2011 Terminated
94 North Chicago IL Terminated 4/10/2002 Terminated
95 North Little Rock AR Golf Course 10/1/1998 Terminated
96 Sacramento CA Terminated 12/27/2011 Terminated
97 Salem VA Terminated 12/30/2011 Terminated
98 Topeka KS Terminated 12/30/2011 Terminated
99 West Haven CT Terminated 12/1/1994 Terminated
Saturday, November 23, 2019
John Infantino Scammed Ft. Howard Veterans Affairs Medical Center & Still Scams Worldwide
The world is committing great wrongs by allowing John David Infantino to remain unpunished for the devastating scams he's run, and to allow Infantino to go on running scams worldwide. He may either be a sociopath or psychopath, because he does not care about the mass of suffering experienced by his millions of scam victims worldwide. John D. Infantino runs scams all over the globe, always claiming to be bringing hundreds-of-millions of dollars of investment funding to proposed property development projects. After John Infantino was chosen to be the property developer of (30, 40 or more) planned projects, he never does anything to fulfill his obligations, and most (possibly all) of those projects never, ever, got going at all. Infantino drained the momentum out of those projects, which killed them.
Though Infanitno's scams are well documented online (mostly by me) and well known by most of his many victims and their communities, the world refuses to do anything about Infantino's fraud; with people either disbelieving all I have online about Infantino or not caring what he has done and continues to do. It is time for the disbelievers and the uncaring, along with those of you who know Infantino is a scam artist, to join me in stopping his con games and seeing him legally punished. The scam he ran that hits closest to me is when he took out a lease to the Ft. Howard VA Hospital property - under the Department of Veterans Affairs Enhanced-Use Lease Program - falsely claiming he is a property developer with national & international successes in property development. The VA's EUL Program is designed to help homeless veterans obtain affordable, safe and stable housing. John Infantino takes monies from investors who believe he is going to do a development project, and that is all he does on any project. He lives well on what he bilks from those investors.
All us veterans' service to the United States has paid to have that VA property be used to our advantage.
All of my online works about John D. Infantino are here:
Though Infanitno's scams are well documented online (mostly by me) and well known by most of his many victims and their communities, the world refuses to do anything about Infantino's fraud; with people either disbelieving all I have online about Infantino or not caring what he has done and continues to do. It is time for the disbelievers and the uncaring, along with those of you who know Infantino is a scam artist, to join me in stopping his con games and seeing him legally punished. The scam he ran that hits closest to me is when he took out a lease to the Ft. Howard VA Hospital property - under the Department of Veterans Affairs Enhanced-Use Lease Program - falsely claiming he is a property developer with national & international successes in property development. The VA's EUL Program is designed to help homeless veterans obtain affordable, safe and stable housing. John Infantino takes monies from investors who believe he is going to do a development project, and that is all he does on any project. He lives well on what he bilks from those investors.
All us veterans' service to the United States has paid to have that VA property be used to our advantage.
If Infantino was an actual developer and had lived up to his legal agreement and promises for Ft. Howard, I may very likely have been living in an apartment there for at least a decade. That plus the facts: my grandparents met there during World War One; I was a patient in that hospital three times; I have had relatives in the area all my life; plus I have participated in community volunteer works along with many other people in the county park next to the VA property; all make it something that has drastic effects on me.
All of my online works about John D. Infantino are here:
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