Saturday, November 23, 2019

John Infantino Scammed Ft. Howard Veterans Affairs Medical Center & Still Scams Worldwide

The world is committing great wrongs by allowing John David Infantino to remain unpunished for the devastating scams he's run, and to allow Infantino to go on running scams worldwide. He may either be a sociopath or psychopath, because he does not care about the mass of suffering experienced by his millions of scam victims worldwide. John D. Infantino runs scams all over the globe, always claiming to be bringing hundreds-of-millions of dollars of investment funding to proposed property development projects. After John Infantino was chosen to be the property developer of (30, 40 or more) planned projects, he never does anything to fulfill his obligations, and most (possibly all) of those projects never, ever, got going at all. Infantino drained the momentum out of those projects, which killed them. 

Though Infanitno's scams are well documented online (mostly by me) and well known by most of his many victims and their communities, the world refuses to do anything about Infantino's fraud; with people either disbelieving all I have online about Infantino or not caring what he has done and continues to do. It is time for the disbelievers and the uncaring, along with those of you who know Infantino is a scam artist, to join me in stopping his con games and seeing him legally punished. The scam he ran that hits closest to me is when he took out a lease to the Ft. Howard VA Hospital property - under the Department of Veterans Affairs Enhanced-Use Lease Program - falsely claiming he is a property developer with national & international successes in property development. The VA's EUL Program is designed to help homeless veterans obtain affordable, safe and stable housing. John Infantino takes monies from investors who believe he is going to do a development project, and that is all he does on any project. He lives well on what he bilks from those investors.

All us veterans' service to the United States has paid to have that VA property be used to our advantage.

If Infantino was an actual developer and had lived up to his legal agreement and promises for Ft. Howard, I may very likely have been living in an apartment there for at least a decade. That plus the facts: my grandparents met there during World War One; I was a patient in that hospital three times; I have had relatives in the area all my life; plus I have participated in community volunteer works along with many other people in the county park next to the VA property; all make it something that has drastic effects on me.

All of my online works about John D. Infantino are here:

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