Monday, August 17, 2020

Default Notice #3 From The VA To John Infantino International Super Scammer

The first lease to the Fort Howard, Md., Department of Veterans Affairs property, for the development of a proposed veterans community - John D. Infantino's bogus Bayside at Fort Howard - on valuable Chesapeake Bay waterfront, was terminated after Infantino did not take any steps to begin the actual development or construction of the Project, nor properly respond to the notice (plus other official notices) sent that is copied below, which comes from court records, when Infantino sued the United States (every American citizen) as a 'smoke screen' to cover his scams:

"Id. at 759-64. On March 10, 2009, the VA sent FHSHA (Ft. Howard Senior Housing Associates) a third default notice, which demanded that FHSHA remit to the VA $3,101.55. Id. at 710-25, Default Notice 3. The VA attributed this amount to certain Baltimore City water services and Baltimore County sewer services that were provided to, and thus benefitted, the portion of the Leased Premises, excluding the CBOC (Community Based Outpatient Clinic) used by the VA. Id."

Court report copied from:

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