Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Email to Attorney General About Ft. Howard Scammer John Infantino At It Again

This is an email I sent on 5/30/2023 to the Maryland Attorney General: We spoke several times about the fake developer John D. Infantino who took security deposits from vets for future housing he promised but did not build. You had a court case about it and told him to take his Bayside at Ft. Howard project website down. He used the site to convince investors that he was doing well on the project and needed investors (to scam). He took it down for a while, then several months later it was back up, and when I informed you you told me that if he had that, "He'll never build another thing in Maryland again." To which I replied that he never has completed any project he says he will or has. He is using Ft Howard in his worldwide scams again. The man is merciless about messing up masses of people's lives. 

You need to get on this. An investigation of this magnitude with the evidence I have on him, including what he still has online, can be a career maker for any investigator, writer, office, who helps take down International Super Scammer John David Infantino. I will cooperate with anyone who is onboard against Infantino.

Here are links to his website published in 2022:

You will find links to 30 PDFs he has created for the scam at:


Here is where he has it in a list of other fake accomplishments:


Here's a full PowerPoint about Bayside at Ft Howard:


Get on it. 

David Robert Crews (a.k.a. ursusdave)

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