Tuesday, May 27, 2008

In Case I Am Attacked Or Murdered In Dundalk

The following information about this post card has been emailed to postal inspectors and the FBI. I have spoken directly to my local postmaster about this situation. I have had telephone coversations with other postal authorities and an FBI agent about this post card, and the story behind it. I may also soon email it to Baltimore County detectives (I was just interrupted, in my final edits of this blog entry, by a phone call from a postal inspector who told me to contact Balto. Co. detectives, because the postal service only investigates threats, and according to their strict legal definition, my post card is harassment. The person or persons who sent the card planned on it not being viewed by authorities as being a direct threat, I am sure. But it is a direct threat against me; read on and you will see why.):

The email:

I have received a threatening post card. A front and back copy of it is attached to this email.

If you look at the message side of the post card, you will see that my address appears to have been written in by a right handed person who is writing left handed. The address and the message on the post card were done by two different hands, and possibly were written by two different people. The card is from Hawaii, but post marked from Boston. These are all ways to disguise whom and where the card came from and when they were in Hawaii, or maybe they never went to Hawaii.

Why would they bother to disguise their handwriting if they do not intend to follow up on their threat?

The same with a post card of Hawaii being mailed from Boston. Is that an attempt to throw investigators, of the post card sender's planned future homicide of me, off their trail?

Did they go to Hawaii at all?

Did they transfer flights in Boston, or did they get someone whom they were in Hawaii with to mail the post card from Boston for them?

If I am murdered, I have no one here to help the Postal Inspectors, FBI, and local Baltimore County homicide detectives with the info of this situation. Of if I suffer a heart attack or stroke from the extreme anxiety I am experiencing. I must have the copies of this post card in an official file.

The confirmation number for the report filed with the Postal Inspectors is: co37852760.

My web site with the background story fully written out, with photos of my times in Maine and scanned copies of post cards I sent to my Aunt Martha and Uncle Finley K. Clarke up in Northern Maine, all said to be full of lies by my recently deceased Aunt Martha (she died Feb. 26, 2008, Uncle Finley died Apr. 25, 2006), on it is: http://ursusdave.blogspot.com/

My Uncle Finley and Aunt Martha were well aware that I had published that web site and also many short stories about me working for and living with them at Katahdin Lodge and Camps of Patten, Maine. Fin and Marty claimed that all of my work is full of lies.

Who ever sent me that threatening post card has obviously referenced my numerous published stories and web sites about my times working for my Aunt Martha and Uncle Finley Clarke up in Maine -- i.e. "YOU BEAR DUNG" -- and the post card sender has fully believed Martha Clarke's claims that my published works are full of lies. I fully believe that they are seeking revenge against me on behalf of recently deceased Martha Clarke.

If my stories are full of lies, then why didn't my fairly wealthy and powerful Aunt Martha and Uncle Finley try to legally stop me from publishing my stories and also bring law suits against me and my editors too?

Links to all of my published works are on


Thank you.

That is the end of the email.

Now that I have finally begun to seek legal recourse against Martha Clarke's estate, there is a much higher probability that the person, or persons, who sent the post card will be coming after me to do me harm.

This is the only way I have to inform any allies I may have in the Patten Maine area that I need them to think about whom it may be who would want to come and do me harm, as a result of my Aunt Martha and Uncle Finley's hardheaded attitudes about not admitting that they had done me wrong. I know that the post card sender, or senders, is/are not anyone whom I worked with at the Lodge, because they're the kind of men who will come right out and say what they want to, if and when they want to. And they know that my many published stories about my times at Katahdin Lodge and in and around Patten are real. I do not even believe that it is anyone from the Patten area who sent the threatening message to me; it is just a small possibility that someone up there may have heard something to help me, or to help the investigators of my potential murder.

I wouldn't be so worried if the post card sender had not tried to disguise their handwriting. This immediately revealed to me their intent to follow up on their threat but not have their handwriting on the card as evidence of whom they are. They have to be "watching" me for a reason, right?

David Robert Crews Copyright 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008

One Blog Visitor's Feelings About My Patten, Maine and Dundalk, Maryland Internet Published Works

Juliana L’Heureux is a native of Dundalk, Maryland who has lived in Maine for many years. She is a well known, long time professional writer up in Maine. Her latest professional accomplishment was to be appointed as the new executive director of the Maine Association of Mental Health Services (MAMHS), in Augusta. The press release for that substantial milestone in her life is on my Dundalk blog. She has kindly, and graciously, written the following:

Flashback: From a Dundalk Annex

From Dundalk to Maine and Back Again

By Juliana L’Heureux

One Turkey Run
Topsham, Maine 04086
207-721-9629 (Home)
207-751-8117 (cell)

Being among the streetcar commuter students who attended junior high school at the Dundalk Annex, in Sparrow’s Point, probably prepared me for the deja-vu feeling I experienced while like living and writing in Maine.

Obviously, no one drives north to Maine on a streetcar. Although Kennebunkport is known for its streetcar museum (and the summer home of President George W. Bush), these cabled antiques are relics of the last century.

Nevertheless, the sense of living in a scenic annex was recently made evident by David Crews, a Dundalk native, who happens to write about the beauty of Maine, by posting stories on his various blogs and Internet projects. Although Crews once lived in Maine, his travel, these days is done in cyberspace, on the Internet. “When I lived in Maine, we drove all over the place having fun on Saturday nights,” he says.

Nowadays, Crews describes Maine like a well informed Internet travel writer.

So, what’s so special about this? Well, because my Internet domain name is www.mainewriter.com. I’m a Dundalkian (a word I recently learned) who does the same thing, except, I’ve actually lived in Maine for the past 25 years.

Moreover, for the past 20 years, I’ve written a weekly column about the state’s 400 years of French heritage, culture and language inherited from Quebec and the Canadian Maritimes. It’s called Les Franco-Americains, but over the years the scope
broadened to include coverage of almost anything related to French culture. Indeed, I’ve covered the important French influence in winning the American Revolutionary War.

Another related story is Baltimore’s lovely Cathedral-Basilica and National Shrine of the Assumption, with its French artistic and historic connections.

Crews, in his writing and photography, completes the Dundalk to Maine annex connection for me. Frankly, I’m impressed by the quantity, and the quality of articles, and stories posted by Crews on his websites and Maine blogs. Maine’s Vacationland tourist slogan is supported by colorful outdoors photographs. He spotlights the rugged individualism of the people living in Maine towns like Patten, and tiny places like Sherman and Island Falls.

These small Northeast Maine communities are so tiny, even people living in nearby towns hardly know they exist. Locals boast “wicked” Downeast accents. They might say, “Eyhaaa, so’s a t’urist act’ally b’lieves, ya’ can’t get theeaaaa from heeaaaa”, made comically classic in “Burt and I” dialogues with the late Marshall Dodge. They’re the quaint places Crews knew when he worked at his uncle’s hunting lodge in Patten, after graduating in 1968, from Dundalk High School.

Crews writes about experiences enjoyed during his youthful Maine days, reminiscent of the scenic innocence Steven King describes in his excellent short story, “The Body”, later made into the “Stand by Me” movie.

My deja-vu feeling of being transposed to an annex returns when I read about Maine on one of Crews’ websites. Without leaving Dundalk, he even captures the heart of another state slogan, “The Way Life Should Be”.

© Juliana L’Heureux www.mainewriter.com
May, 2008