I have - employing my writings, photography; Internet publishing work - I have shared the facts of Ft. Howard with tens of thousands of people. I rarely hear back from any of them, nor rarely know of any actions they've taken on behalf of Ft. Howard.
I contacted companies John David Infantino falsely uses as businesses references, two embassies whose countries Infantino had scammed in, and the F.B.I.. I contacted postal inspectors - because Infantino had vets mail paper checks, to a P.O. Box, as deposits for future living quarters Infantino had no intention, nor ability, to build. The postal inspectors, then the I.R.S., each refused to do investigations without exact info on the mailings and on the amounts of monies Infantino did not pay taxes on. A former employee of Infantino's posted online that if the I.R.S. checked his company files and did an audit they'd have charged John with tax evasion. Unfortunately, Infantino does not maintain any office space for very long and those files are most likely long gone to the dump.
Sadly, only a minuscule percentage of people who see these works give a positive, supportive response. Others had already been organized & holding public meetings, contacting VA and other government offices, informing media, working & fighting hard, and they continue to fight on.
Do to being ignored or deemed incorrect, us citizens in the fight are not getting anything good done towards having the property development begin.
I am limited in my investigative work, because I can't afford to travel far and I am saddled with degenerative back disease and depression, which the VA provides treatment for. I survive on a combined VA pension and Social Security award of around a thousand dollars a month, plus I live in an apartment house built for low income senior citizens.
I need to gather more detailed information from court case files about Ft. Howard, John D Infantino and Timothy S Munshell.
On top of that, I want an investigative reporter or free lance writer to travel around the world gathering information on the approximate 30 places John D. Infantino ran his scams. I have read and kept details of news articles from more than 20 places around the world where Infantino had promised to bring billions of dollars worth of capital funding to all those projects he said would create wonderful communities in those areas.
For a writer with what it takes, a fully researched and written article or book could make their career. John David Infantino International Supper Scammer may very well be the most prolific and successful one in history. Except for wars, Infantino has surely done more damage than anyone.
My Complaint To The VA OIG:
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Requesting Confidentiality: No
First Name: David
Last Name: Crews
Address: (I removed it for this post)
City: Dundalk
State: MD
Zip: 21222
Telephone: (I removed it for this post)
Email: ursusdave at yahoo.com
VA facility or office involved:
Ft Howard, Maryland and several others
Names of wrongdoers:
John Infantino
Names of victims:
Multiples of veterans and the VA itself.
Alleged legal or policy violation(s) or other misconduct:
Fraudulently saying he would build better VAMC properties but never doing it. He tied up progress on projects, and he has never completed any project. He claims to be asset and/or property manager for VA hospitals.
Effect of the wrongdoing, such as dollars lost, delay produced, etc.:
Veterans and others lives messed up.
Date(s) when the event(s) occurred:
Years ago to today
Names of witnesses:
Too many to name.
Has this allegation been previously reviewed?: No
If yes, please provide the dates and who did the review:
Have you contacted the VA OIG about this issue before?: No
If yes, please provide date contact was made and to whom:
Additional Comments:
John Infantino's LLCs are complete scams. Simply do a web search for Federal Development and John Infantino, and you will easily see. He has been scamming and hurting people all around the world. You will not find one news article about his projects being completed. All media about him tells of what he says he is going to do, and maybe about a ground breaking ceremony. He has never completed anything his web sites say he will or has.
I have been working on this off and on for years, and Infantino must be stopped. He is messing up lives all over the world. He is an international fraud. Yet he puts forth the idea that he and various partners are doing well together on numerous projects.
On Infantino's numerous web pages, he declares to be the asset and/or property manager for many commercial, residential and government properties - including Department of Veterans Affairs Hospitals and veterans nursing homes. I am hoping people, companies, governments, towns, cities, counties, etc. who are falsely referenced as being satisfied in their (non-existant) working partnerships with Infantino will force him to stop using their names as a good reference.
He got us here in Maryland by promising to rebuild our local Ft. Howard VAMC, but he did little more than take veterans' monies for deposits on future homes and some of those vets had their lives messed up in the process. Some got their deposits back - not all - and some sold their long-time homes to be able to move to Ft. Howard. Infantino Federal Development, LLC, held a lease that was terminated in 2009 after a protracted lack of progress on the project. Now, four years later, he still maintains a website for it - Bayside at Ft. Howard ( http://www.baysidefthoward.com/ ), which has a page for sending in deposits for housing applications ( http://www.baysidefthoward.com/application/application.htm ). That causes me to suspect that he is still taking deposits from American Military Veterans and others.
On Infantino's websites, he consistently declares that he got his start in a family business named First Public Trust - FPT - a "real estate management firm which incorporates a 60-year history of developing over twenty master-planned communities on the East Coast and the Midwest." BUT! For several years, I have periodically web searched for info on FPT; there is not one bit of FPT info on the Internet - anywhere!
I am a writer and photographer (US Army trained photographer) in Baltimore, Maryland doing investigative writing on John Infantino & Federal Development LLC - Federal Asset Management ( http://fedassetmgmt.com/ ) and his use of a supposed projects world wide. Websites, which Infantino maintains, put forth the idea that he is a successful partner in various international property development projects. Infantino is using numerous projects around the world as examples of why his company should be hired, but not one project has been completed by him. Some, he had nothing to do with and/or were never begun by anyone.
I wish to see international news media outlets publish fully investigated stories on what he is doing.
John Infantino is in a lawsuit with Del Rey Oaks, California ( http://www.montereyherald.com/localnews/ci_24673079/del-rey-oaks-still-trying-get-legal-fight ) and yet he maintains websites saying his Del Rey Oaks project is going great.
John Infantino must be stepped on and squashed. I am asking anyone and everyone to help end his internationally fraudulent activities and World Wide Web Con Games.
Thank you,
Photography and Writings by
David Robert Crews {a.k.a.ursusdave}
( http://davidrobertcrews.blogspot.com/ )
Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Inspector General - Release 20131209-01
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