Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Ft. Howard Complaint To VA Inspector General & Info Provided To Tens of Thousands

A copy of the formal complaint I sent to the VA Inspector General - about the previous lease holder and fake property developer of Ft. Howard - is in this post. I have provided in depth information about the Ft Howard fiasco many times to multiple media outlets, elected politicians, VA officials, even my VA doctors & nurses - who may say something somewhere where it'll do good, plus private citizens. I have informed many people about the deeply entrenched fiasco that is the - failed - VA proposed development of a veterans focused community on the Fort Howard, Maryland, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center property. The VA OIG office never replied. I registered the complaint during the time John Infantino had the lease, but it somewhat applies to the current lease holder and fake property developer Tim Munshell.

I have - employing my writings, photography; Internet publishing work - I have shared the facts of Ft. Howard with tens of thousands of people. I rarely hear back from any of them, nor rarely know of any actions they've taken on behalf of Ft. Howard.

I contacted companies John David Infantino falsely uses as businesses references, two embassies whose countries Infantino had scammed in, and the F.B.I.. I contacted postal inspectors - because Infantino had vets mail paper checks, to a P.O. Box, as deposits for future living quarters Infantino had no intention, nor ability, to build. The postal inspectors, then the I.R.S., each refused to do investigations without exact info on the mailings and on the amounts of monies Infantino did not pay taxes on. A former employee of Infantino's posted online that if the I.R.S. checked his company files and did an audit they'd have charged John with tax evasion. Unfortunately, Infantino does not maintain any office space for very long and those files are most likely long gone to the dump.

Sadly, only a minuscule percentage of people who see these works give a positive, supportive response. Others had already been organized & holding public meetings, contacting VA and other government offices, informing media, working & fighting hard, and they continue to fight on.

Do to being ignored or deemed incorrect, us citizens in the fight are not getting anything good done towards having the property development begin.

I am limited in my investigative work, because I can't afford to travel far and I am saddled with degenerative back disease and depression, which the VA provides treatment for. I survive on a combined VA pension and Social Security award of around a thousand dollars a month, plus I live in an apartment house built for low income senior citizens.

I need to gather more detailed information from court case files about Ft. Howard, John D Infantino and Timothy S Munshell.

On top of that, I want an investigative reporter or free lance writer to travel around the world gathering information on the approximate 30 places John D. Infantino ran his scams. I have read and kept details of news articles from more than 20 places around the world where Infantino had promised to bring billions of dollars worth of capital funding to all those projects he said would create wonderful communities in those areas.

For a writer with what it takes, a fully researched and written article or book could make their career. John David Infantino International Supper Scammer may very well be the most prolific and successful one in history. Except for wars, Infantino has surely done more damage than anyone.

My Complaint To The VA OIG:

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Your form has been submitted to the OIG Hotline. You may wish to print a copy of this page for your records.
Requesting Confidentiality: No

First Name: David

Last Name: Crews


Address: (I removed it for this post)

City: Dundalk

State: MD

Zip: 21222

Telephone: (I removed it for this post)

Email: ursusdave at yahoo.com

VA facility or office involved:
Ft Howard, Maryland and several others

Names of wrongdoers:
John Infantino

Names of victims:
Multiples of veterans and the VA itself.

Alleged legal or policy violation(s) or other misconduct:
Fraudulently saying he would build better VAMC properties but never doing it. He tied up progress on projects, and he has never completed any project. He claims to be asset and/or property manager for VA hospitals.

Effect of the wrongdoing, such as dollars lost, delay produced, etc.:
Veterans and others lives messed up.

Date(s) when the event(s) occurred:
Years ago to today

Names of witnesses:
Too many to name.

Has this allegation been previously reviewed?: No

If yes, please provide the dates and who did the review:

Have you contacted the VA OIG about this issue before?: No

If yes, please provide date contact was made and to whom:

Additional Comments:
John Infantino's LLCs are complete scams. Simply do a web search for Federal Development and John Infantino, and you will easily see. He has been scamming and hurting people all around the world. You will not find one news article about his projects being completed. All media about him tells of what he says he is going to do, and maybe about a ground breaking ceremony. He has never completed anything his web sites say he will or has.

I have been working on this off and on for years, and Infantino must be stopped. He is messing up lives all over the world. He is an international fraud. Yet he puts forth the idea that he and various partners are doing well together on numerous projects.

On Infantino's numerous web pages, he declares to be the asset and/or property manager for many commercial, residential and government properties - including Department of Veterans Affairs Hospitals and veterans nursing homes. I am hoping people, companies, governments, towns, cities, counties, etc. who are falsely referenced as being satisfied in their (non-existant) working partnerships with Infantino will force him to stop using their names as a good reference.

He got us here in Maryland by promising to rebuild our local Ft. Howard VAMC, but he did little more than take veterans' monies for deposits on future homes and some of those vets had their lives messed up in the process. Some got their deposits back - not all - and some sold their long-time homes to be able to move to Ft. Howard. Infantino Federal Development, LLC, held a lease that was terminated in 2009 after a protracted lack of progress on the project. Now, four years later, he still maintains a website for it - Bayside at Ft. Howard ( http://www.baysidefthoward.com/ ), which has a page for sending in deposits for housing applications ( http://www.baysidefthoward.com/application/application.htm ). That causes me to suspect that he is still taking deposits from American Military Veterans and others.

On Infantino's websites, he consistently declares that he got his start in a family business named First Public Trust - FPT - a "real estate management firm which incorporates a 60-year history of developing over twenty master-planned communities on the East Coast and the Midwest." BUT! For several years, I have periodically web searched for info on FPT; there is not one bit of FPT info on the Internet - anywhere!

I am a writer and photographer (US Army trained photographer) in Baltimore, Maryland doing investigative writing on John Infantino & Federal Development LLC - Federal Asset Management ( http://fedassetmgmt.com/ ) and his use of a supposed projects world wide. Websites, which Infantino maintains, put forth the idea that he is a successful partner in various international property development projects. Infantino is using numerous projects around the world as examples of why his company should be hired, but not one project has been completed by him. Some, he had nothing to do with and/or were never begun by anyone.

I wish to see international news media outlets publish fully investigated stories on what he is doing.

John Infantino is in a lawsuit with Del Rey Oaks, California ( http://www.montereyherald.com/localnews/ci_24673079/del-rey-oaks-still-trying-get-legal-fight ) and yet he maintains websites saying his Del Rey Oaks project is going great.

John Infantino must be stepped on and squashed. I am asking anyone and everyone to help end his internationally fraudulent activities and World Wide Web Con Games.

Thank you,

Photography and Writings by

David Robert Crews {a.k.a.ursusdave}

( http://davidrobertcrews.blogspot.com/ )

Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Inspector General - Release 20131209-01
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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Feb. 9, 2017 Trial Info Tim Munshell Sued Again & My Right To Write About It

Three plaintiffs have a tort case against Ft. Howard VAMC 'developer' Tim Munshell and six other defendants. Trial is scheduled for 02/09/2017 at 10:30AM (details listed below). "A tort is a civil wrong that unfairly causes someone else to suffer loss or harm." Thirteen of the the photographs in this post were taken six years ago. Three of the burned houses photos are from 2015, and the last one is a satellite image showing three piles of black rumble, where homes once were. You can imagine how much worse condition the buildings are in today. Timothy S Munshell is legally bound by his lease to rebuild those arson burned houses, exactly as they were. Tim owes over $40,000 in fines to Baltimore County for not having legally mandated 24hr fire watch on the property, and for not having all fire hydrants working. Make that (according to court records of a lawsuit he lost in 2014) NO FUNDS HELD Timothy S. Munshell.

Front Entrance To The Ft. Howard VAMC Hospital Building

Arson Damage To Main Lobby Of Hospital Building 

A Lot of Medical Equipment Was Left Behind 
When The Hospital Closed In 2002

For a decade and a half, ever since the Ft. Howard VA Hospital was shut down, the many historic buildings on the grounds have been allowed to deteriorate, be vandalized, be stripped of metals for recycling cash, hospital furnishings & medical equipment was hauled out, it is the victim of 6 or 7 arson fires, and is a powerful attraction to people from near and far. Some go there who enjoy exploring abandoned properties, because it falsely appears to be abandoned and left to rot with the VA having no intentions of using it again. Many go in there to party, play, ghost hunt, I once saw some 17 to 19-yr-olds walking in and out of buildings with one guy leading them like a tour guide. He had obviously been there numerous times.

I was there waiting for a ride to come get me, after a medical appointment in the small VAMC Clinic that was still in operation. A VA Police Officer was on duty, I located and informed him, and he went after the teenagers to make them leave. That clinic has been shut down, but while it was still operational, during off hours when no VA employees or security were there, copper wiring was stripped out for recycling cash - on several separate dates. The clinic was clearly still in use for veterans health care, but the unused structures are a mess.

Most people who went there to explore or hang out are essentially innocent, due to not knowing the VA has plans to redevelop the property. It was only a small percentage of the people going there who did the damages. Some vandals and metal thieves probably went there numerous times.

Flat White Building Back Left
Is The VA Clinic with The Chesapeake Bay In View
 Line Between the VA and Park Is Where The Woods Are 

The Old Army Theater

I've told many people that young people from all over were going onto the VA property to do what they will, not just the local kids. The three plaintiffs are from Parkville, which is at the northern top of the Baltimore Beltway and the east side bottom of the beltway goes into Edgemere/Ft. Howard. I actually always used Parkville as an example, "They come from Parkville, all over even from other counties." Carloads of kids drive to the VA property, others ride bikes, skateboards, scooters or walk. Most did not engage in any destructive activities. Some went on the grounds to enjoy playing acoustic instruments and singing together on the stage of the old army theater. It was constructed in the World War One Era, back before electric amplifiers were invented. The stage is designed to have an acoustically perfect sound that gives anyone on stage the ability to speak in a normal volume and be heard clearly at the back of the audience. It shapes the sound of music most wonderfully.

Tim Munshell is legally responsible for providing fire watch and security on the VA grounds, but he wasn't. The VA Police had been pulled out of there. A VA Cop told me that after the third arson fire, the VA Police were brought back on 24hr duty, and they, "Did over 50 lockups, mostly young men in their early 20's coming from all over."

In The Hospital Building 
A Major Draw Is The Spook Factor 
(is that one down the hall!?!)

The old, thrashed out, hospital building is said to be haunted. If anyplace is haunted, that place is. Because many horribly suffering wounded warriors, some living there till they died, some committing suicide, were inpatients. A few young people I know, who are good church going people, told me they were appalled to see 666 the evil number painted on the wall of the hospital morgue. Their fears being that it indicates that actual devil worshiping may have been going on. Considering the place's world wide wide expanding reputation, from WWW traffic about the place, it is vulnerable to many forms of evil. A VA medical clinic nurse, taking my blood pressure one time, taking into consideration the five story hospital building suffering vandalized busted out doors and windows for easy access by anyone, said she fears most that a body might be found in there some day.

Heavy Screening In Hospital Building Prevents Suicidal Patients
 From Jumping Down The 5 Story Stairwell

For more than a dozen years, I have given well over a thousand hard working hours to investigating, World Wide Web researching, writing, photographing, sending & receiving emails, making phone calls and talking face to face with people then posting all over the web about the disheartening fiasco that is the proposed new veterans focused community redevelopment project at Fort Howard, Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center property.

5th Floor Hospital Lobby
The Kiniseotherapy Room Entrance
 Where Physical Therapists Gave
Excellent Treatment Of My Back Injuries

In the 1980's, I was a spinal injury inpatient receiving some of the excellent physical therapy at the Ft. Howard VA Hospital. I am an Army vet who worked as a photographer in a missile unit's Public Information Office. My paternal grandparents met on Fort Howard, during WW1 - Granddad Crews was a soldier and Grandmom Crews was a Welsh Nanny for an Army captain's children. Ever since the 1950's, family of mine have been living in some of the connecting communities to Ft. Howard, and I have often been to their homes for holiday celebrations and just to visit.

1900 era Houses For Army Officer Families
1940 - 2002 VA Doctors' Family Homes
My Grandparents May Have Met There
On That Front Porch During WW1

Adjacent to the VAMC is a county park that had been half of the army fort, when it was built for 1900 era coastal defenses of Baltimore. Some of my family and friends and I are known for our volunteer work at the Haunted Dungeons at Halloween time and the War of 1812 reenactment Defenders' Day events. I've taken many day hikes in the park and been to picnics and birthday parties there. I have an extensive photography portfolio on all of Ft. Howard. I know, pursue and share histories of the area. My roots run deep into Fort Howard, Maryland.

I earn the right to investigate and report on anything that happens concerning the VAMC property or adjacent county parkland.

Thoericht vs Ft Howard Development L L C
Circuit Court for Baltimore County - Civil System
Case Number: 03C15009165
Event Date: 02/09/2017   Event Time:10:30 AM
Case Type: Other Tort

Civil Non-Jury Trial Notice Date: 02/09/2017
Event Date: 04/07/2017 Event Time: 09:30 AM

Plaintiff Party No.:1
Name: Thoericht, Marc
Address: 3011 1/2 Edgewood Avenue
City: Parkville State:MD Zip Code:21234

Plaintiff Party No.:2
Name: Thoericht, Niki
Address: 3011 1/2 Edgewood Avenue
City: Parkville State:MD Zip Code:21234

Plaintiff Party No.:3
Name: Thoericht, Brandon
Address: 3011 1/2 Edgewood Avenue
City: Parkvill State:MD Zip Code:21234

Defendant Party No.:1
Business or Organization Name: Ft Howard Development L L C
Address: 18901 New Hampshire Avenue
City: Brinklow State:MD Zip Code:20862
Defendant Party No.:2
Name: Stangle, Earl W
Address: 1118 E Biddle St
City: Baltimore State:MD Zip Code:21205
Defendant Party No.:3
Name: Tingle, Joshua E
Address: 919 Quantril Way
City: Baltimore State:MD Zip Code:21205
Address: Baltimore County Detention Center
City: Towson State:MD Zip Code:21204
Address: Maryland Reception Diagnostic/Class Cent
City: Baltimore State:MD Zip Code:21202
DefendantParty No.:4
Business or Organization Name: Trinity Protection Services Inc
Address: 6222 Gothic Lane
City: Bowie State:MD Zip Code:20720
Address: One Church Street
City: Rockville State:MD Zip Code:20850
Defendant Party No.:5
Business or Organization Name: Client Services L L C
Address: 3205 Lynch Road
City: Baltimore State:MD Zip Code:21219
Defendant Party No.:6
Business or Organization Name: Ft Howard Management Services L L C
Address: 10721 Wayfarer Road
City: Germantown State:MD Zip Code:20876
Defendant Party No.:7
Business or Organization Name: J & J Hauling & Odd Jobs L L C
Address: 1128 Evans Way
City: Baltimore State:MD Zip Code:21205

Two of The Grand Old Houses That Were Burned Down 
Photographed Thanksgiving Day 2015 From A Boat

One of The Grand Old Houses That Were Burned Down 
Photographed Thanksgiving Day 2015 From A Boat

One of The Grand Old Houses That Were Burned Down 
Photographed Thanksgiving Day 2015 From A Boat

Back of A Grand Old House - A Duplex 
A Few Years Before It Was Burned Down 

Front of A Grand Old House - A Duplex
A Few Years Before It Was Burned Down

Side of A Grand Old House - A Duplex  
A Few Years Before It Was Burned Down

Front of The Neighboring Grand Old House 
A Few Years Before It Was Burned Down

Satellite Image With Three
Burned Down Grand Old Houses At The Top Left

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Tim Munshell Court Case Last Week

I am waiting to see what the outcome is on this lawsuit from last week.

Title: Client Services L L C vs Ft Howard Development L L C

Court System: Circuit Court for Baltimore County - Civil System

Case Number: 03C15005904

01/18/2017 Entered Date:01/18/2017 

Decision: ---------------------(I am waiting for more info)

Open Court Proceeding

January 18, 2017. Hon. Judith C. Ensor. Agreement place on the record. Order to be filed.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Tim Munshell Currently Being Sued For A Measly $400

Here is court date info for this lawsuit: 
TRIAL SET FOR: 01/25/2017; TIME: 01:00PM;  LOC:01;ROOM:611 
Case No.:060100153912016 

In this post are screen captures of a court record where Tim Munshell is currently being sued by First Colonies Anesthesia Associates for a measly $400.00. Timothy S. Munshell is a conman who passes himself off as an experienced property developer who possesses access to millions of dollars for major development projects.

About five years ago, Timothy Stewart Munshell signed a 75-year lease to the Fort Howard Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center property in Ft. Howard, Baltimore County, Maryland. A beautiful area on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. The VAMC property buildings & infrastructure is rotting away. The deal is for him to redevelop the property into a vibrant community geared towards American Military Veterans, with new housing constructed and existing buildings rehabbed for community needs. He agreed to bring tens of millions of dollars into the development process. He does not now, has never, and never will be able to live up to his deal. He has never done anything like that project. He has never been able to secure any funding, and has no funds of his own. He is a fraud.

The scam is to hold the lease, use it as a reference to convince investors, banks, businesses and anyone else they can con, to loan him cash he will never pay back, and/or use it to convince an actual property developer to do the work and pay Munshell for the privilege. He has already scammed several businesses who did work on the planning and the presentation of plans. They are each, separately suing him.

I cannot link straight to the case records, so in order for you to verify there what I have posted on here, you must sign in on their disclaimer page:


On December 24, 2014, in other court records, Timothy Munshell legally declared he does not possess funds or property. At the bottom of the document it says "NO FUNDS HELD.

That is in the blog posted before and below this post.

Tim Munshell Legally Declared He Has No Funds or Property on 12/24/2014

In this post are screen captures of a court record where Tim Munshell is sued by his public accountant. The judgement went against Munshell. Property garnishment rights were granted to the plaintiff. Who should have known Munshell had neither property nor money to satisfy the $3,725.00 legal debt. 

About five years ago, Timothy Stewart Munshell signed a 75-year lease to the Fort Howard Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center property in Ft. Howard, Baltimore County, Maryland. A beautiful area on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. The VAMC property buildings & infrastructure is rotting away. The deal is for him to redevelop the property into a vibrant community geared towards American Military Veterans, with new housing constructed and existing buildings rehabbed for community needs. He agreed to bring tens of millions of dollars into the development process. He does not now, has never, and never will be able to live up to his deal. He has never done anything like that project. He has never been able to secure any funding, and has no funds of his own. He is a fraud.

The scam is to hold the lease, use it as a reference to convince investors/banks/businesses to loan him cash he will never pay back, and/or use it to convince an actual property developer to do the work and pay Munshell for the privilege. He has already scammed several businesses who did work on the planning and the presentation of plans to the public. And they are each, separately suing him.

Timothy S. Munshell legally declared he does not possess funds or property, in court records, on December 24, 2014. Screen captures of the document must come in parts, and I have overlapped them all to prove continuity. At the bottom is a video of it, with the mouse pointer pointing out important parts of the court document. At the bottom of the document it says "NO FUNDS HELD."


I cannot link straight to the case records, so in order for you to verify there what I have posted on here, you must sign in on their disclaimer page:

This video is difficult to see, even when enlarged to full screen, but it helps establish that I did not manipulate any text in the still photo screen captures sequence.

Munshell is still broke, which I will prove in the next blog post on this site. That post will appear over top this one.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Names & Addresses of Terrific Tim Munshell in Maryland Court Case Records

Construction on the planned redevelopment at the Fort Howard, Maryland, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center property into a vibrant home community for hundreds of American Military Veterans, and their loved ones, should have begun years ago. I, along with hundreds of other vets and their family, had expected to move into new housing on Ft. Howard over a decade ago. Around 5-years-ago, Tim Munshell signed a 75-year lease to Ft. Howard, but has not done much of anything with it. The information in this post, carefully culled and vetted, clearly reveals that Timothy S. Munshell is too very much an unstable, unworthy person who never earned the right to lease the VA property; which lies rotting on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. Munshell has never had more than one or a few employees, no construction equipment or supplies, nor work yard and storage buildings, never kept an office anywhere for long, but the VA gave him Ft Howard regardless. Unbeknownst to the VA, Munshell's never done much of anything good anywhere, and is only in it to be a lazy-ass, good for nothing, money grubbing middle man between the VA and an actual developer who has what it takes to get the work done and will pay Munshell for the privilege of doing it. The VA should have done a simple web search on that lousy S.O.B. Timothy Stewart Munshell, and they'd have seen he don't have what it takes.  

Like in the screen capture above, a few of the names listed below came from business info websites, and most of the names and addresses come from the Maryland Judiciary Case Search. In most cases, Timothy Munshell is the defendant in over a million dollars worth of law suits, he mostly lost, but can't pay. Ft. Howard, Md. VAMC property lessee and 'developer' Tim has used a number of variations on his names, at various times, for his-phony-self and his phony businesses. Timothy S Munchel might be his birth name, because it is probably pronounced the same as Munshell - and he may have changed his name to that because it is easier for people to pronounce & spell correctly. In divorce court records for his 3rd wife back, she is named as Munchel and he as Munshell. In the image above, the Cynthia listed is his current wife and Shauna was his wife before her. Cynthia is a highly accomplished, esteemed and hard working psychologist, but there is no such info online about the two ex-wives.

We all have preferences, or rock solid insistence, that our names are each pronounced and spelled in a certain way. You may have one version of your name for business and another for loved ones. Ringo Starr to us is called Richie by his family & friends and on legal documents most likely signed as Richard Starkey. Back when General then President Ulysses S. Grant was alive it was unwise to call him Ulysses Grant. Jennifer? Jenny? Jenn? We are specific about our names where we want to make sure other people can know it is I. Especially in business - it is our brand on our niche in society and our output into the world we share. Tim knows that, so he uses variations of his name to make it more difficult for people, businesses, government, law enforcement, the legal system, and media to pin everything he does wrong on him. 

One Tim name comes up that I cannot find a court record of in Maryland, or more than one hit on the Internet - Timothy S Muncheo. I searched the entire Internet, especially Maryland court records, for every variation of Munshell's names and Fort Howard - Ft Howard - Ft. Howard. On the Maryland Judiciary Case Search site, name and address variations allow him to hide various case records from various people. I cannot link straight to the case records, so in order for you to verify there what I have written on here, you must sign in on their disclaimer page:

There may be other court records, names and business names used in other states by Tim Turd ('scuse me should't say that). I'm too worn out from many days/hours doing the Maryland searches & information gathering & organizing for me to go into any research on other states' websites. I copied everything in the list below off of websites.

I seem to recall a Munshell website for Ft. Howard, that he did not keep up very long. Other than that, I doubt he has ever published any websites for his businesses. And he sure enough stays off social media. He hides out a lot, and is extremely difficult to contact. Many who care about the area, the proposed development project, and/or are volunteers at Ft. Howard Baltimore County Park events have tried, with only a few getting through.

The most listed address below is 18901 New Hampshire Avenue, which is a $700,000 house that is in Tim's wife's name only. He may have a room there set up as a tax deductible office space, but sure ain't gonna have any property developer business activities like having construction equipment, supplies, vehicles and crew there in that residential area of luxury homes. No evidence of that is seen in the latest Google satellite images of the residence, and me being an internationally known and respected photographer, with a keen eye for details in photographs, I can tell you for certain there are no construction crew boss's work-yard activities there.  

Terrific (I facetiously say) Tim Munshell's names and addresses:

1991 --

BALTIMORE State:MD Zip Code:21226

1995 --
BALTO State:MD Zip Code:21226

1996 --
Munshell And Associates
34 Market Place
Baltimore State:MDZip Code:21202

SERVERNA PARK State:MD Zip Code:21114 - 6000

1997 --
BALTIMORE State:MD Zip Code:21202

1999 --
ELLICOTT CITY State:MD Zip Code:21043

ELLICOTT CITY State:MD Zip Code:21043

2000 --
GAITHERSBURG State:MD Zip Code:20879

Munshell, Timothy S
Munshell And Associates Ltd
Ellicott City State:MD Zip Code:21043

2001 --

2007 --
BRINKLOW State:MD Zip Code:20862

P.O. BOX 549

Arundel National Contractors, LLC
18901 New Hampshire Ave
Brinklow, MD 20862

2012 --
FT. HOWARD DEVELOPMENT LLC   this is the only time Ft with a period is used
BRINKLOW State:MD Zip Code:20862

P.O. BOX 549
ASHTON State:MD Zip Code:20861-0549

BRINKLOW State:MD Zip Code:20862


Ft Howard Management Services L L C
10721 Wayfarer Road
Germantown State:MD Zip Code:20876


2013 -- 
BRINKLOW State:MD Zip Code:20862-970
Arundel National Contractors, LLC

Allied Wind, LLC
Timothy S. Munshell
18901 New Hampshire Ave.

2014 --
BRINKLOW State:MD Zip Code:20862

2015 --
Ft Howard Development L L C
18901 New Hampshire Avenue
Brinklow State:MD Zip Code:20862
Allied Patriot Group Inc
8901 New Hampshire Avenue
Munshell, Timothy
8901 New Hampshire Avenue
Ft Howard Management Services L L C
10721 Wayfarer Road
Germantown State:MD Zip Code:20876

There are 4 names for Tim's LLC's in 2015, with 2 LLC addresses being his lawyer's house, which may contain an in-home office, and 2 at his house 18901 New Hampshire Avenue. The lawyer's 10721 Wayfarer Rd. address is a $400,000 upper middle class home down off in a residential neighborhood on the edge a rural area, where any noticeable business activities likely would not be tolerated.   Ft Howard Development L L C
Address: 18901 New Hampshire Avenue
City: Brinklow State:MD Zip Code:20862
Attorney(s) for the Defendant/Respondent
Name: Woody, David L
Appearance Date 08/04/2015
Practice Name:
Address: 10721 Wayfarer Road
City: Germantown State:MD Zip Code:20876

Business or Organization Name: Allied Patriot L L C
Address: 18901 New Hampshire Avenue
City: Brinklow State:MD Zip Code:20862
Attorney(s) for the Defendant/Respondent
Name: Woody, David L
Appearance Date: 08/04/2015
Practice Name:
Address: 10721 Wayfarer Road
City: GermantownState:MDZip Code:20876
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:3
Business or Organization Name:
A M C A L Fort Howard Land L L C
Address: 10721 Wayfarer Road
City: Germantown State:MD Zip Code:20876
Attorney(s) for the Defendant/Respondent
Name: Woody, David L
Appearance Date: 07/20/2015
Practice Name:
Address: 10721 Wayfarer Road
City: Germantown State:MD Zip Code:20876

2016 --

Low and behold, I was just quintuple checking facts and found an online article about Ft. Howard that says Munshell is the Fort Howard Development Group president. So there's another name he's used.

The screen capture below - from a business info website - appears to have Munshell telling them he doesn't want his information listed. And I am 99.99% certain he never has a website for his businesses. In the 21st Century today, that means he is hiding a lot.

That image was harvested many months ago, and I apologize for not having the link to the website it came off of. The image at the top has it's originating link and site info on it.

Department of Veterans Affairs Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) Component

Here are links to web pages with info on the Department of Veterans Affairs - VA - Enhanced Use Lease - EUL - component, it's property redevelopment projects, which includes my beloved Fort Howard in Baltimore County, Maryland :

Here is a 2016 VA news letter about the VA's Enhanced Use Program that includes Ft. Howard: 

Here are VA videos about their EUL - Enhanced Use Lease - component: 

Here is a long list of VAMC properties being redeveloped, including Fort Howard. Most have less than 100 living units, but hundreds to over a thousand are proposed for Ft. Howard: 

The VA's efforts to get work started on Ft. Howard began in 2002. It is an utter failure. The VA allowed itself to be conned by the first 'developer' they signed a lease with - John Infantino International Super Scammer, and the second one Tim Munshell - who is only in it to be in between the VA and a real developer who will pay Munshell something because 'Terrific' Tim holds the lease. Neither individual has ever actually done such a redevelopment project. Nor do they have funds required to do one. Nor do either have the abilities, employees, office/warehouse/equipment/supplies to even begin a development project.

John David Infantino and Timothy Stewart Munshell are horrendous bums.